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soc econ paleont miner

soc econ paleont miner

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Fei Xu Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Develepment Sciences, CNPC, Beifing 摘要 摘要: 本文运用透射光荧光分析手段,通过对国内外大量样品

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To reconstitute the evolution of the paleogeography and paleoenvironments of Tethys from 201 Ma until 135 Ma five maps at a 1 20 000 000 scale were used four of which were

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Patterns of basin fill in Triassic turbidites of the Earthdoc

A large Permian‐Triassic peak of 250 Ma is present in the southern basin and attenuates northward suggesting derivation from an arc developed along the Songma suture Sandstone QFL compositions average 65/12/23% and plot in the recycled orogen field except for a few samples in the southern basin that fall in the dissected arc field

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Stable isotope geochemistry and origin of waters in

In: Relationship of Organic Matter and Mineral Diagenesis, Gautier DL (ed), Soc Econ Paleont Miner, Spec Publ, 38, 147–156 Google Scholar Dansgaard W (1964) Stable isotopes in precipitation Tellus, 16, 436–468 Google Scholar Davis JB (1967) Petroleum Microbiology Elsevier, New York, NY, 604 p Google Scholar

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abstract: in this paphr,a large number of samples at home and abroad are analysed under microscope by means of the transmitted lightfluorescence analysisbined with the analyses of organic geochemistry and organic matter origin,certain problems existing in the division of organic matter types in kerogen at

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Tectonic Control of the Silurian Reef Distribution and

The Paleogeographic pattern, regional sea level changes and reef distribution development were obviously controlled by different kinds of tectonic units According to the tectonic unit characteristics of Upper Yangtze Platform such as the basement

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Types of carbonate platforms: a genetic approach | Earthdoc

Three groups of carbonate‐producing biota may be distinguished according to their dependence upon light: (1) euphotic (good light) in shallow, wave‐agitated areas; (2) oligophotic (poor light) in deeper, commonly non‐wave‐agitated areas; and (3) photo‐independent biota in all water‐depth ranges

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Soc Econ Paleont Miner Spe Publ, no 42, 4769 加藤碩一,1980,坂城地域の地質地域地質研究報告 (5万分の1地質図幅),地質調査所,57p 加藤碩一・赤羽貞幸,1986,長野地域の地質地域地質研究報告 (5万分の1地質図幅),地質調査所,120p 加藤碩一・佐藤岱生,1983,信濃池田地域の地質地域地質研究報告 (5万分の1地質図幅),地質調査所,93p

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白垩纪时期东亚大气环流格局初探PDF,( D 辑 ) 第 30 卷 第 5 期 SCIENCE IN CHINA ( Series D ) 2000 年 10 月 白垩纪时期东亚大气环流格局初探* 江新胜 潘忠习 付清平 (成都地质矿产研究所, 成都 ) 摘要 从沙漠记录可知性出发, 测制了一条横穿

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altschuler zs soc econ paleont min v29 p19 altshuler zs lithol miner resour v11 p332 bliskovskiy vz geochem int v14 p148It is widely observed that joint spacing is proportional to bed thickness in sedimentary rocks Pacific Sec Soc econ Paleont Miner Engelder T Business اقتباس السعر

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A rectoritepyrophyllitechloriteillite assemblage in pelitic

Soc Econ Paleont Miner Spec Publ 26 Google Scholar Hower, J (19811 Xray diffraction identification of mixed layer clay minerals Pp 39–60 in: ( Longstaffe, FJ, editor), Min Ass Canada Short Course in Clays and the Resource Geologists, Calgary, 7, 39 – 60 Google Scholar

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The southeastern Canadian Cordillera: Thrust faulting,

Here early Paleozoic rocks of the Cordilleran miogeocline, in which the dominant structures are Everging, have been thrust westwards over Triassic and Jurassic volcanic and related deposits (Fyles & Hewlett 1959) that comprise part of the suspect terrane Quesnellia (Monger et al 1982)

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PDF下载 ( 668 KB) 松辽坳陷深水湖盆层序界面特征及低位域沉积模式 辛仁臣 1,2 , 蔡希源 3 , 王英民 1,2 1 中国地质大学海洋地学研究中心 北京 ; 2 中国石油化工集团公司西北石油勘探指挥部 北京 ; 3 石油大学教育部石油天然气成藏机理重点实验室 乌鲁木齐 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目 (批准号:);国家重点基

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Implications of Palaeozoic phosphorites in the northern

Soc Econ Paleontol Miner 1, 421–440 (1977) Google Scholar Durrell, C & D'Allura, J A Bull geol Soc Am 88, 844–852 (1977) Article Google Scholar Schweickert, R A & Girty, G H

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Was the Laramide orogeny related to subduction of an

Hamilton, W Soc Econ Paleont Miner Pacific Coast Paleogeogr Symp 2, 33 (1978) Google Scholar Tweto, O Geol Soc Am Mem 144, 1 (1975) Google Scholar Armstrong, R L Nature 247,

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Volcaniclastic Sedimentation and Facies UC Santa Barbara

Bull geol Soc Amer Pt I 90, 827838 Mathisen, ME & Vondra, CF (1983) The fluvial and pyroclastic deposits of the Cagayan Basin, Northern Luzon, Philippines an example of nonmarine volcaniclastic sedimentation in an interarc basin

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Pedley, M (1996) Miocene Reefs Distributions and Their

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